Scotland 1970 scenario Current day is 196 Current time of year is Aug 19 | Server time is 08:28
Please wait, a day is being simulated... |
2024-07-31180 ! The line from Q St to Crianlarich was upgraded
2022-08-29166 ! Industrial strike over
2021-06-22155 ! The line from Q St to Crianlarich is under maintenance during days 169-180
154 ! Industrial workers call a strike
2020-09-08131 ! The line from Dundee to Perth was upgraded
2020-03-22108 ! The line from Cent to Carlisle was upgraded
| 2020-02-28103 ! The line from Dundee to Perth is under maintenance during days 117-131
2018-11-0681 ! The line from Cent to Carlisle is under maintenance during days 95-108
2018-10-1373 ! The line from Cent to Carstairs is under maintenance during days 87-99
2018-03-0560 ! The line from Edinburgh to Cent is under maintenance during days 74-87
2016-01-226 ! The line from Carstairs to Carlisle is under maintenance during days 20-27